Your support is vital for the athletes and you can support the athletes by donating your time and or money to the Track & Field Booster Club.
Your monetary donations help provide equipment for the athletes, such as hurdles, shots, discus', high jump bars, batons, etc. The athletic fee you pay for your athletes participation pays the entry fees into the meets, however it does not provide for the equipment needed for practice.
Your time can be donated by helping organize the
Track and Field Banquet,
held at the end of the season on
Date for 2024 will be determined.
You can also support the athletes by donating snacks for the meets. Snacks can be bagels, bananas, oranges or granola bars.
If you would like to donate your time, money
and snacks please contact
Judy, at practice, or
by phone 303-638-4581
or by email at
or Kelly by phone at 303-906-1987
or by email at
The coaches and athletes THANK YOU for your support.